
Training Interventions

For The Younger Generation Professionals

Interview Support and Orientation Program – ISOP - 2 days program

Interviewing skills are your ability to interact with the employer or interviewer and show them why you are the best-fit candidate for the job role. Your interview skills give an interviewer insight into how you will communicate in the workplace and solve problems. Specific and related job skills, basic communication and people skills, good situation knowledge etc. are important in an interview.Covering various aspects of Interviews including resume writing, types of interviews and various interview situations, inside stories of interviews and questions generally asked in interviews.

Job Oriented Grooming School - JOGS - 2 days program

Grooming is the practice of preparing or training someone for a particular purpose or activity. Grooming makes up an important part of impressions. By being hygienic and looking neat and put together, you can quickly attain a dignified look and gain respect. Your grooming habits can tell an interviewer a lot about how you carry yourself and who you are as an individual. This program covers various aspects of personal grooming including officer-like qualities, body language, transactional analysis, interview etiquette and various aspects of personality development.

Effective Presentation and Communication program- E - PAC - 2 days program

An effective presentation makes the best use of the relationship between the presenter and the audience. It takes full consideration of the audience's needs in order to capture their interest, develop their understanding, inspire their confidence and achieve the presenter's objectives. An effective presentation will teach your audience something or it will inspire them to take action. But neither of those things will happen if the audience isn't engaged. Program covers various aspects of effective communication and presentation including presentation etiquettes and mannerisms.